Homecoming Court

2023 Court


Letters from the court's teachers


Ava James

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Ava James,

Congratulations on being announced as Cedar Creek’s Homecoming Queen! What an honor to be chosen by your peers. I am as proud of you today as I was when I first met you as a tiny, beautiful baby.  

I have loved watching you grow up. I’ll never forget how cute you were wearing a big, pink bow as you wandered around a preschool, Sunday school classroom, playing and talking with every child in that room. As a six-year-old, you grinned SO BIG throughout a Missy Crain recital, loving every minute of being a dancing bumblebee. Your joy in life has always been evident, and you exhibit the best characteristics of your mom and dad.

Your cheerfulness shows in how you tackle your many extracurricular activities. Regardless if you are cheering on the sidelines, giving morning announcements over the intercom, or planning senior experience activities, your genuine smile lifts up and encourages your classmates. I will miss hearing your giggle over the announcements next year, but I cannot wait to hear about your adventures after you graduate in May.     

Ava, while your joyfulness is obvious to anyone who sees you perform at games or on the stage, your inner beauty shines in how you conduct yourself with your peers. You are both kind and genuine, making you a good friend to pretty much everyone in high school. Keep showing your joy and encouraging others. You may never know how much impact your friendliness has on your friends.

Teaching you over the last few years has been a joy. Classes are more fun with Ava James in them for me as a teacher (because you always pay attention and participate) and for your classmates (who love when you create quizlets). I am proud of the student you are, but I am especially proud of the major commitments you have made throughout your life.  

Ava, your involvement in your church’s youth group is one of the most impressive commitments that I’ve seen you make. You are a light for Jesus both at school and through your involvement in Temple Baptist’s youth group. I pray that you will continue to keep Jesus at the center of your life. 

“In Nothing Gold Can Stay,” Robert Frost describes a beautiful, ideal moment when nature shines at its best. This poem reminds me of my students who, like you, are living their best lives. Ava, always stay gold. Enjoy this moment! You will be a beautiful Homecoming Queen, and you will make Cedar Creek proud. Congratulations, again, on a worthy honor.  

Much love,

Mrs. Myers



Ainsley Riley

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Congratulations, Ainsley! To be chosen by your classmates who have known you since Pre-K is such an honor. This is a true reflection of who you are at heart and how others have perceived you through the years at Cedar Creek.  You have shared your disappointments, your failures and, of course, your compassion and your true self with your classmates. You deserve to be chosen for Homecoming Court!

You’ve come a long way since my first memory of you, playing softball for Cedar Creek in eighth grade. Your perseverance to compete also led you to excel in basketball, cheer, and powerlifting. I’ve loved watching you on the basketball court and cheering on the sidelines at the football games; cherish these memories. Watching you and Ella stunt together and the bond it gave you two throughout your sophomore and junior years was also fun to watch. You two would laugh endlessly and enjoy the big and little moments cheer has to give. You are an amazing athlete with such passion!  You are a beast!

I loved being your French teacher for three years.  In French 1, I met a sweet, quiet freshman girl who, now as a senior, has grown into a beautiful young lady with exceptional creativity and a love for French. With your witty sense of humor and your sweet smile you made my day every single day! You made me laugh at your French name (Orteils- toes) and at the sweet notes you wrote on your tests (slay queen), and your hugs and smiles in the hallway.

What I love the most about you is that you are genuine and what God meant for you to be. Ainsley is Ainsley – you get what you see; the most beautiful down to earth, warmhearted, selfless lady, that once you’re friends with Ainsley you have a friend forever. I am so glad to see this trait firsthand with you, Ella, and Cara Beth ‘gooning’ on the weekends,

For all those chosen for Homecoming Court, I am proud of you and your time at Cedar Creek. You deserve this recognition! I hope you enjoy this time in your life because it goes by fast and many other memories in life will replace these high school years, and your senior Homecoming will be just one of many sweet moments in time.  But it is the way you carry yourself through this world that will stay with you forever, and so far, Ainsley, you have got a great start.

I know your mom and dad are so proud of you. I can’t wait to see how beautiful and graceful you look on the red carpet and on the football field with your dad.  Treasure these last moments of high school!

Je t’aime,

Mrs. Viator


Ava Hartwell

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My connection with Ava actually began years before she was born. Although I hate to admit it, I have been at Cedar Creek for over three decades which has allowed me to teach several generations from the same family, and this is the case with Ava’s family. I had the privilege of teaching and coaching both her mom and her uncle when they were Cedar Creek students.  As a result of my relationship with her family, I recognized Ava when I would see her around the elementary campus.  I also have fond memories of seeing Ava at football games and other Cedar Creek events with her parents when she was an elementary student. However, I really didn’t know Ava personally until she walked into my seventh grade American History class.

The first thing that I noticed about Ava is her radiant smile. She can light up a room with her smile and her light-hearted personality. Secondly, it became quite obvious to me that Ava and I share a common passion – our love for basketball! During Ava’s middle school years, she and I enjoyed many basketball conversations. She loved talking about her team’s middle school games, and I enjoyed watching her and her team compete. As a middle school player, Ava performed with a skill set and a confidence well beyond her years of experience. She led her team and elevated the play of her teammates as they enjoyed successful seasons. Both Ava and I anxiously anticipated her high school career as her freshman year began. Then in the first game of the season, Ava suffered a torn ACL. As a result, she missed her entire freshman year. Despite this setback, Ava continued smiling, supported her teammates from the sideline, and worked to rehabilitate her knee so she could rejoin her teammates on the court. During her junior season, Ava began playing with the same confidence she had before her injury. Unfortunately, she suffered a torn ACL in the other knee. Two season-ending injuries are devastating and many athletes would just give up, but not Ava! She has shown tremendous determination, a positive attitude, and an unmatched perseverance as she is battling back to play her senior year.

Although basketball may be her passion, Ava is also an excellent student-athlete who is active in campus organizations and community service. She is involved in Key Club, FCA, Kindness Club, and DECA. She attends First Baptist Church and volunteers at Alpine Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center as well as Hall of Hoops Basketball camps. Additionally, Ava spends her summers working at Hodge Bank and Trust Company.

Coaching Ava for the past three years has been a pleasure. It has been amazing to watch her navigate obvious hardships and yet maintain that radiant smile and a positive outlook.  I admire her passion for the game, her fortitude in the face of adversity, and her grit in rehabilitating her injuries. I am looking forward to watching her on the court for her senior season!

Ava, I would like to congratulate you on being selected for the homecoming court. Your journey is inspiring and I know you will do BIG things in the future, and as always, I will be cheering you on!

Love you,

Coach Van


Olivia Underwood

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What an honor it is to write Olivia Underwood’s Homecoming letter and try to explain how she made an impact on me and her teammates!  My association with her has been through coaching her in softball. We share so many memories that I will always treasure.  

When I think of Olivia, I think of someone who is quiet, independent, handles her business, and will stand up for herself and others. She is a good athlete.  She has played multiple positions over the years because she doesn’t mind playing a position where she is needed.  What unselfishness!!  One major thing I love about Olivia is that she will be honest and speak the truth.  There is no “sugar coating” anything!

In her years of playing, she always showed me that she has a great understanding of the game of softball.  She is determined to succeed.  She is always at practice, working extremely hard to improve personally to ensure her team’s success.  She doesn’t seek or want the spotlight.  She is happy for her accomplishments to speak for themselves.  

As a lot of coaches use the expression in explaining a player, “They will run through a wall,” Olivia literally ran with full steam into a wall in a playoff game her freshman year.  She was playing in right field when a foul ball was hit toward the right field foul line.  The ball just kept drifting over, and she ended up catching the ball as she plowed into the fence.  She busted her lip and was bruised badly, but never dropped the ball.  Most players would have let the ball just hit the wall, but not Olivia.  Even the walls can’t stop her.  It sounds corny, but if you start with this mindset she possesses, then you believe that your ability has no limits.   You will be more resilient when obstacles arise in everyday life.  

There is a quote that comes to mind when I think of Olivia: “Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.” Olivia can be, and will be, whatever she wants to be in our society, and it is my earnest feeling that our society will be the beneficiary of it all.  Nothing will stop Olivia.  

I want you to know what a special person you are.  I wish you the best as you venture forth to accomplish great things.  Olivia, I will miss you.  

Julie Riser



Cara Beth Hill

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I consider it an honor and a privilege to have been asked to write a letter for Cara Beth, who is exactly who God created her to be. I have had the opportunity to coach Cara Beth for four years in track & field,  where she has transcended all expectations as a runner, leader, and teammate.  God created Cara Beth to be a competitor, she has the drive determination and kindred spirit, and those traits serve her well.  I know her ambition, loving, caring heart will continue to serve her wherever God’s path takes Cara Beth.  I find Cara Beth to be confident, intelligent, athletic, determined, goal oriented, selfless, all the while, extremely humble.   She is the epitome of a true student athlete who never complains or whines, does what is expected, plus more, and does it with a graceful demeanor.

I have always been inspired with Car Beth’s grit, work ethic, as well, her fun and loving nature.  She has an infectious enthusiasm and I love her ability to be able to multi-task all of her cheering, athletics, and academics.  Cara Beth strives for perfection and being the best she can possibly be but what I love most about her is her genuine love for others,  the empathy she shows, she  stands for right and wrong, and allowing God to be her guide.  She is rooted in her beliefs and allows God’s light to be seen through her.

I know Cara Beth by her high character, integrity, love,  leadership, and work ethic. She is someone that can communicate with others and know that they can rely on her because she  is committed to the well being of others.  Cara Beth  is the consummate team player, student athlete and friend.  She has an unwavering commitment to exceed expectations and has always put others and the team above herself.  Cara Beth has a radiant beauty and is as beautiful inside as she is outside.

God has amazing plans for you Cara Beth and I can say with confidence that she can and will be anything that she sets her heart, mind, and soul to. Cara Beth I wish you much love and blessings.

God Bless,

Coach Craig Moss











