Parent Club

Cedar Creek School has many ways to help contribute to the success of the school. The Parent Club and Advancement Office offer a range of volunteer and parent participation opportunities.

The Cedar Creek Parent Club and the Advancement Office coordinate parent activities and special fundraising events. Cedar Creek offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities and parent participation is a key component in our ongoing success. This year the President of the Cedar Creek Parent Club is LeAnn Waldroup.

Cougar Gear

This project starts in late summer with pre-ordering T-shirts and all spirit items through an online store for the coming year.  A co-chair is currently needed to assist with this project. 

Holidays at Cedartown

This is an annual shopping extravaganza held at the Ruston Civic Center in November. Due to the enormity of this project, there are several subcommittees and they include:

  • Public Relations: Responsible for all advertising for and throughout CedarTown
  • Decorations: Responsible for decorating designated areas of Civic Center and for cleanup of said areas
  • Raffle: Responsible for the collection and display of donated items as well as booth preparation and ticket sales
  • Ticket sales: Responsible for sale of tickets to shoppers
  • Hospitality: Responsible for the purchase of all refreshments for the merchants. This committee prepares the hospitality carts and makes the carts available to the merchants. They also prepare and serve lunch to the merchants.

Faculty Christmas Reception

This is a luncheon held each December in honor of the entire faculty. Participants will be asked to contact parents to help with donations for the meal, set up and decorate tables and to help serve the meal. The date is usually set by November 1st and the event is held one of the half days before Christmas break. Be prepared to work quickly and on a tight schedule as this generally follows an elementary Christmas program.

Elementary, Middle/High School Christmas Project

This is a mid-year service project benefiting our teachers and was originally developed to eliminate the need to purchase individual gifts for each teacher. Collectively through this project, we are able to do something much nicer for each teacher and each classroom. The committee collects voluntary donations from the parents of elementary, middle school, and high school students and these funds are presented at the Faculty Christmas Reception.

Back-to-School Parties 

These are socials held in conjunction with the beginning of school designed to allow students and parents the opportunity to get reacquainted after the summer. Participation can include selecting a date, developing an invitation and mailing to parents.
The events are generally held before school begins.

Book Fair

This is a fundraiser that has grown in popularity to the point that it now is held for 1½ weeks in mid-February. Volunteers are needed for approximately 10 school days to set up the fair, daily organization and the receipt and distribution of orders. Volunteers normally sign up for 2 hour increments, but feel free to volunteer as much time as you can.

Cedar Creek Celebration

This is Cedar Creek's annual dinner and auction held in the spring. Like any other project of this size, planning is already underway. Volunteers will need to be sure and allot enough time to spend on this project so that it continues to be a success.

Volunteers are needed for the following subcommittees:

  • Acquisitions: This is a tremendous effort to acquire items for silent and live auctions..
  • Auction: Again, this is a huge part of this event and responsibilities include coordinating the collection and storage of all auction items as well as to plan the presentation of these items.
  • Auction Check-Out Committee
  • Food and Beverage: Responsible for the coordination of bids and contracts necessary for these services.
  • Graphics: Responsible for complete preparation, including art, for social media graphics.
  • Publicity and Invitations: Responsible for all advertising and invitations for Celebration.
  • Sponsorship: Responsible for the enlistment of sponsors.
  • Raffle Tickets: Responsible for printing tickets and working alongside the publicity committee for the pre-sale and distribution of raffle tickets.

Teacher Appreciation

This event is held in early May. We host a luncheon in addition to providing homemade goodies for the teacher's lounges and small gifts for the faculty. Volunteers will be needed all five days in various capacities including:

  • Assistance with the luncheon (decorating, serving, and approximately two substitutes per elementary class to allow the teachers a free lunch time)
  • Morning distribution of snacks, small gifts, etc.
  • Miscellaneous activities to be announced at a later date.

Adopt-a-Teacher Program

This program focuses on showing our teachers how much we appreciate them during the school year. A parent "adopts" a teacher and provides small gifts for holidays, birthday, etc.

Creek Pride Work Day

This event is held each summer and once during the school year to spruce up our campus. Volunteers paint, clean, landscape, and help with projects in the teacher classrooms. 

As co-chair, please understand that you will be expected to be next year's chair, unless the current chair would like to keep working in that capacity.
